'Twas etc. part 4.
annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jan 3 16:59:42 UTC 2006
Salazar Slytherin said:
> Accio totalus means just that
> - you get everything - Basilisks, Cockatrices, Dragon Pox, Italy....
> It took ages to sort out the mess in the Common-room.
Ah, so *that's* why we have black holes. The astronomers will never
figure that one out. Lucky thing for us you were handy to deal with
that one before it was too late...
> Enlightenment dawned on Madam's features.
> "Oh, good! Just what I wanted to hear! And besides, if I'm a little
> more emphatic there won't be any misunderstandings, will there?"
> Smiling gently, Salazar slowly slid back into the Pensieve.
A very satisfying conclusion, thank you.
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