Snape the Half-Blood Prince WAS RE: Page-filler Lupin

Alec alec.dossetor at
Tue Jan 3 22:55:50 UTC 2006

Oh, your version of the Slytherins was great! 

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Eileen Rebstock" 
<erebstock at c...> wrote:
> Alec:
> >"The trouble is that HBP contradicts that directly. We have 
> Dumbledore's own assurance that Bellatrix was the "eldest" - which 
> means she was older even than Andromeda, and (by implication) 
> that the names of the sisters on the family tree begin with the 
> oldest on the left, and the youngest on the right - which makes 
> sense, I suppose."
> Particularly the bit about Andromeda's teenage pregnancy. Yep. 
That was
> really inspiring. 
> I don't really care if the timelines only work out if they have
> Andromeda running off in her teens with Ted Tonks and marrying 
early. It
> doesn't faze me with my historical acceptance of early marriage. 
But did
> JKR intend that? I just can't see it.
> >"Of course, this makes nonsense of Sirius' remarks in GoF,"
> *headachey*
> >"but unless JKR has made a mistake,"
> *eyes bulge a la Crouch*
> >"I think we must conclude that what Sirius 
> tells Harry was rather biased, and that if he did go round with 
> of this gang, it was either a case of hanging on to some much 
> boys and girls, or else he went round with them "after" school."
> No, he's very specific about it being at school. 
> >"That 
> is in fact not unlikely - Snape does seem to be a loner, when he's 
> glimpsed in the pensieve scene - and doesn't seem to have a gang 
> that will come round and support him, either then or later. There 
> seems to be no prospect at all of that!"
> Well, if Bella was a couple years ahead of him, would that work 
out? It
> does mesh with Sirius saying in OotP that he was Harry's age when 
> last saw Bella.
> And then Narcissa and Andromeda were twins. 
> And I think it's clear Snape was a barely tolerated member? Tagging
> after them? Derisively nicknamed "The Halfblood Prince?"
> I never thought I'd say this, but I'll say it now, tongue somewhat
> planted in cheek. My version was better.
> Eileen

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