Who was who's Pet? WAS Tonks's age: A possible solution
Rebecca Bowen
dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 5 02:52:41 UTC 2006
>Amanda said:
>I don't know!! ;-) Perhaps Snape was Bella's pet in school?
Rebecca, chiming in:
Maybe not, but perhaps he was Cissy's paramour from afar.... is that
possible in the age timeline? :) Take how she knew where Snape lived -
Bellatrix certainly didn't know if you take her comment about the general
vacinity at face value:
"He lives here?" asked Bella in a voice of contempt. "Here? In this Muggle
dunghill? We must be the first of our kind ever to set foot--""
If you carefully read the paragraphs after that statement in the 2nd
chapter, one gets the sense that Narcissa taking shortcuts thru an alley and
not ever getting lost in traversing what's described as almost identical
streets getting to Snape's house is rather like taking the path from
memory - it could lead one to believe you might have to be intimate with
where he lives to find it. When has she been there and how often? Why does
JKR (other than to describe the general locale) have to specifically show us
that Narcissa *knows the way?* I won't even comment on the intimate
familiarity these 2 appear to have with one another..to the point of
Narcissa's grabbing of Snape's robes, kneeling at his feet, and pressing her
lips to Snape's hand?
For the face time Narcissa had in HBP, one would think perhaps we'd know
more about her. As far as I know, we don't even know if she went to
Hogwarts, nor do we know what House she was in. Something more to
ponder.... ;)
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