Andromeda's love story
Olivier Fouquet
olivier.fouquet at
Thu Jan 5 09:20:10 UTC 2006
On the subject of chronology (and though I usually take an agnostic
position on factual statement in HP, JKR contradicts herself? Very
well then she contradicts herself, she is large, she contains
multitudes), I think the story of Andromeda's early leaving from her
family and immediate love story with this muggle-born is a very nice
background. It plays perfectly well within the theme of the self-
destructive Black family. Sirus ran away from home, "his favourite
cousin" (Andomeda) thought he had the right idea and wedded Ted.
Sirius went to live with James, Andromeda with her husband or maybe
with her in-laws. Seems perfectly fitting with the personality of
Tonks too, easy-going, impulsive, despises the name Nymphadora but
still hopelessly romantic…
I found quite interesting, on the other hand, the general theme of
motherhood in HP. Lily, Andromeda, Merope, Narcissa are canonically
very young mothers. Mrs. Weasley seems to be, though this is not
certain at all. Some general study of the importance of this could
probably be done.
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