Snape's Age RE: Tonks's age: A possible solution
Eileen Rebstock
erebstock at
Thu Jan 5 17:12:18 UTC 2006
All I'll say Anne is I love you.
> Annemehr:
> Having an idea, I looked up the chat in question; it's in the Red Nose
> Day chat of March, 2001:
> >>How old is Prof. Dumbledore and Prof. Snape?
> >>JKR: Dumbledore's about 150 years old... Wizards have a longer life
> >>expectancy than us Muggles. Snape's 35 or 36
> Going along with the maths/chat concerns, suppose in typing that
> answer, JKR really is remembering the age she made Snape to be while
> she was planning the *first book.* I mean, does anyone really think,
> with every book she writes, she carefully puts into her mind the new
> ages of her adult characters? Maybe, on the fly, she added a few
> years to Snape's PS/SS age before typing, and maybe not. Since the
> chat was less than a year after GoF, if she actually gave a PS/SS age
> for Snape there, it would make him more like 38 or 39 in GoF. He'd be
> only about a year behind Lucius if that's the case.
> I believe that chat answer was the basis for the Lexicon setting the
> ages for the Marauders, as well.
> Annemehr
> Er, my math is okay here, I hope...
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