Picture plus...
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jan 10 10:54:30 UTC 2006
Interesting photograph of herself on the front page of the Daily
Telegraph (unfortunately it doesn't seem to feature in the on-line
versions I've accessed). However, our girl seems to be indulging in a
touch of vampish glamour, very reminiscent of some vaguely remembered
fan pics of Rita Hayworth, Jane Russell, and the like. Yes, it does
date me, I realise that.
Still, it's an encouraging trend.
Also a full page interview, though it's mostly about her feelings
about her mothers death, obsession (not too strong a word IMO) with
death in general, being rich, etc. (Photo and interview are extracts
from a longer piece to be published in the next issue of The Tatler,
it says.)
Mere snippets about book 7 - there will be deaths, of good and bad.
Oh, splendid!
I've made my little list long since.
The long awaited Weasley cull, the Creevey creep, Luna, Harry, Lupin,
Bella, Malfoy Snr & Jnr; the list is quite comprehensive. Not sure
about Voldy - can he be snuffed completely or will there be some
fragment that wanders the world looking for a susceptible helpmate? A
force for evil that will always be with us?
No matter; a horrible death every third chapter would suit me fine.
And assuming the book runs to about 30 chapters.... yes, please!
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