Current FAQ Poll
dfrankiswork at
Wed Jan 11 00:51:36 UTC 2006
SSS wrote:
> Pippin:
> > That might make things awkward for the Potters in
> future,
> > though, even if the deceased SK leaves behind a
> supply of those
> > handy scraps of paper with the secret on it. I want
> to know
> > whether the spell allows for a successor.
> SSSusan:
> In what way might it be awkward, Pippin? I'm afraid
> I'm not following you.
Well, it would be deuced awkward going around for the rest of your
life with nobody able to see or hear you, no matter how loud you
shouted, and knowing that there was absolutely nothing you could do
about it.
Of course, if it's just the house, it's not so bad, though there
might be a risk of not being able to get back in once you left.
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