Some questions
constancevigilance at
Sat Jan 14 03:10:43 UTC 2006
--- snow15145 wrote:
> Just a few questions I've been pondering
(6) Does anyone else see the big blonde death eater as a giant with
> less skill with his wand than even Hagrid? Is that why the blonde
> death eater chose to ignite Hagrid's cabin because he realized it
> would be futile to engage stunners against a giant, being one
> himself?
Ah, Blondie. I think there is much that can be discovered about this
big guy.
I am certain that there is more to the Blond Death Eater than meets
the eye. I'm quite confident that he and Snape are in cahoots and
both on the Side of Good.
Let's put the Battle of Hogwarts into proper chronology:
Death Eaters arrive through the vanishing cabinet. They start a
fight with members of the Order. Blondie, who is described
as "enormous" is blasting curses everywhere, but always just misses
Order members. He is making a mess of the castle, though.
Gibbon, a DE, goes to the top of the Astronomy Tower and sets off
the Dark Mark. His orders are to stay there and wait for Dumbledore,
but he disobeys and comes back down to join the fight. Blondie, who
is fighting Tonks, "accidentally" kills him with an AK, apparently
meant for Ginnie.
Neville is hurt, Bill is bitten. Dumbledore and Harry arrive at the
top of the Tower. Malfoy slips through the battle and goes to the
top of the Tower. Fenrir, Amycus, Alecto and a brutal-faced DE go up
the tower stairs and lock the entrance behind them.
Fenrir starts to bite Dumbledore, but Brutal-face stops him by
blasting him out of the way.
Snape arrives. Snape AK's Dumbledore.
Snape and Malfoy flee the tower. Greyback, Amycus and Alecto follow.
Harry freezes Brutal-face and runs down the tower.
Greyback attacks Harry. Someone freezes Greyback. (Blondie?) Harry
pushes Greyback off him. A flash of green light (an AK?) comes
toward him but doesn't connect with anyone. Blondie attempting an AK
on Greyback?
Ginnie is fighting Amycus who is trying to Crucio her. Harry blasts
him away.
Blondie is fighting Tonks and again is missing all the vitals but
doing heavy damage to the surroundings. Harry is trying to follow
Snape, but Blondie's blasts are slowing him down. Harry hexes
Blondie, painfully, and is able to resume chasing Amycus, Alecto and
Snape. Someone (Blondie?) is calling Harry to come back, but Harry
ignores it.
Harry races toward the front doors. He turns a corner and a curse
(apparently) misses him, knocking over a suit of armor. (From whom?)
He sees Amycus and Alecto. He attempts to jinx them, but misses. He
jumps over the suit of armor (Was the curse actually aimed at the
suit of armor to create an obstacle to slow down Harry as he chases
down Snape?)
Harry takes a short cut. He arrives at the oak front doors which
have been blasted and show signs of blood. The Gryffindor hourglass
is broken and the rubies are falling onto the flagstones. (Another
attempt to slow Harry down?) Harry runs through the oak doors and
outside where he sees Snape, Malfoy and Blondie headed for the gates.
Hagrid tries to stop the three from escaping and gets repeatedly
blasted by Blondie. The hexes do no damage to Hagrid.
Amycus and Alecto hex Harry from behind. Harry falls down. He hexes
them back, hitting one and causing the other to fall down.
Blondie is buying time for Snape and Malfoy by repeatedly hexing
Hagrid while Snape and Malfoy run towards their escape.
Harry runs past Blondie and Hagrid and attempts to hex Snape. Snape
tells Malfoy to run and turns to face Harry. Harry attempts to
Crucio Snape but Snape parries, stopping Harry from completing the
curse. Blondie Incendio's Hagrid's hut. Hagrid rushes to his hut to
save Fang. Harry tries many curses on Snape which Snape parries
easily. Snape does not attempt any hexes against Harry. Neither does
Someone painfully hexes Harry, possibly a crucio, but we don't hear
it. Snape cancels the curse with a yell, and tells the caster of the
curse that they are to leave Harry for Voldy. Possible casters of
the curse are: Amycus, Alecto and Blondie who are all in position to
do it.
Amycus, Alecto and Blondie run for the gates. Snape stays behind to
deal with Harry. Harry attempts Levicorpus and Snape blasts him.
They have an impassioned discussion. Snape blasts Harry to the
ground once more, knocking the breath out of him. Buckbeak attacks
Snape. Snape heads for the gates, being chased by Buckbeak. Snape
So. What can we conclude here? Blondie makes lots of dust, but
doesn't harm any Order member, but does take out a DE who is
disobeying orders. Gibbon is supposed to stay out of the fight. Once
he comes back in, Blondie takes him out permanently. Blondie is also
the one who opens up the tower block to permit Order members access
to the tower, although it turned out not to be useful.
I think there is good evidence that it was Blondie who saved Harry
from Fenrir as well. The only Order member that Blondie actually
attacks is Hagrid, and his hexes do no harm to Hagrid, either. But
it does keep Hagrid from interfering with Snape and Malfoy's escape.
My belief is that Blondie is there as a second Dumbledore Man to
ensure that Snape and Malfoy get away cleanly and that Harry stays
So who is Blondie? JKR says that all major characters have been
introduced. He could be another giant. But I think pure giants have
no magic, else they would not be so fascinated by a magical gift
from a wizard. I think he is not a giant. Besides, he is "enormous",
not gigantic. Could he be Olympe under polyjuice? He never speaks.
Or Aberforth? The Dumbledore brothers are known to be tall.
So. Any thoughts?
Constance Vigilance
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