Heaping vow upon a vow..

eloise_herisson eloiseherisson at eloise_herisson.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 19 22:12:12 UTC 2006

> Sherry:
> I've heard several other people suggest this.  But in my opinion, 
this would
> go against everything Dumbledore has ever said.  Remember all that 
> about choices?  An unbreakable vow takes away choice.  Snape may have 
> such vows with others, but I don't think it could be Dumbledore.


Except that making the unbreakable vow in itself might have been a 
matter of choice. In fact, it might even have been a *request*: "Allow 
me to do this in order to prove my loyalty". I also don't think that 
Dumbledore would have demanded it, but I don't think it would be OOC 
for him to accept it. It could also be another element of the 'great 
personal risk' that Snape took in changing sides: no going back.


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