Lupin and Sirius WAS Re: Some questions
nrenka at
Fri Jan 20 20:13:35 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...>
> Pippin:
> It doesn't have anything to do with 'on-stage', it's just the way
> little kids process information, if we're still talking about
> whether children are going to be traumatized.
I think the on-stage thing has a lot to do with how kids (and adults,
to boot) process information. It's very different to find out that
someone you've heard stories about but never met ain't what you think
they are, than to learn of the betrayal of someone who you've 'met'.
Not to mention that in the Star Wars parallel, with the addition of
the prequels the whole shebang really *is* about Darth Vader. He's
become the Wotan to Luke's Siegfried in terms of interest (and cool
music, too).
> Lupin's close relationship with Harry is largely a fandom
> construct. Harry likes Lupin well enough, but is distant with him.
> He doesn't call him 'Remus', never writes (though he'd like to get
> letters, he wants Lupin to initiate it), doesn't ask Dumbledore
> if he can bring Remus in on this horcrux stuff. Harry will be hugely
> shocked if Lupin is revealed as a traitor, but it will be far more
> on Sirius's behalf than his own.
Agree that Harry and Lupin aren't terribly close, not like how Harry
felt for Sirius. But JKR has still presented Lupin as an overall
positive figure, I think. He's the Good Teacher to Snape's Bad
Teacher in PoA, he's abused by life but not a jerk, he and Tonks have
talked about relationships and may well be an item at the end of the
book. Lupin isn't the saint that some of fandom would make him into,
but he seems to be pretty firmly in the 'positive' category. Now,
that may be a good reason you think he'd make a cracking villain in
the long run, but it's still not comparable to Luke's heroic
father. :)
-Nora waits for someone to come install the new hard drive for her
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