[the_old_crowd] Re: Viewing the evidence
Susan Albrecht
susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jan 24 15:47:52 UTC 2006
> > Quirrell was not possessed at this point, since he
had not
> > yet donned the turban.
> Possibly film contamination. God rot Warner Bros. I
> checked - my PS is silent on the subject of whether
Q was
> wearing any headgear at the LC. If he was it
probably wasn't a
> turban, judging by Harry's observations at the
Sorting Feast.
> But I can't find any actual canon that
definitatively states
> whether V was or wasn't mounted.
I'm almost positive we know he was NOT yet glommed
onto Quirrell's head at the LC. Not only is the
"ridiculous turban" first mentioned at the opening
feast, but I thought in the final confrontation w/
Quirrell, Q. tells Harry outright that, **after** Q.
botched the Gringotts PS/SS theft, THEN he decided he
needed to "stick by" Q. more closely and so actually
possessed him then.
I'm without the books at the moment, but pretty sure
on this one.
> the first responses to a long post generally consist
of canon
> quibbles. The imaginative replies (if any) arrive
Sorry, there. No imaginative replies from me.
Siriusly Snapey Susan
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