[the_old_crowd] Re: Viewing the evidence

silmariel silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jan 25 14:24:20 UTC 2006

> I've a hunch we can get very close by using facts to eliminate what cannot
> be. So long as Jo plays fair with the solution.....

At the risk of making a mess - if I may borrow your expression my mind is in 
lead butterfly mode, so I'll left mental exercises aside-, I want to add 
something that puzzles me and I haven't seen in the list. It regards to the 
only supossedly canonical scene in the movies, in PS (it's in Diagon Alley, 
after Ollivander). I had the feeling that something didn't match and I've 
been watching it shot by shot.

1. (supossedly) Voldemort walks to the house.
2. he opens the garden door
3. a wand points to the main door keyhole
4. from the inside, we see a ray of light though the keyhole
5. the door opens smoothly
<out of camera action - up to the baby room>
6. Lily has Harry in her arms, appears to say or shout something while she 
closes the door. The figure at the other side of the door turns his back to 
the door.
7. Lily is at the side of the cradle, still Harry in hands, and the door 
8. Voldemort killing lily (clearly she doesn't drop dead, she screams).
9. House exterior, green lights.
10. Harry looking at the end of a wand.

Well, point 8 isn't strictly as desired since the AK is peculiar, but it is 
also a 'natural' way to shot the scene, and we have clear that she was AKd.

Point 6 just doesn't make sense. Why would Voldemort turn his back to the door 
Lily is closing?


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