[the_old_crowd] Prank bit was Yahoo!'s latest rush of blood to the head......
silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jun 12 15:28:11 UTC 2006
El Domingo 11 Junio 2006 14:09, Geoff Bannister escribió:
> Geoff:
> I've already made comments on the new layout to the backroom boffins who
> dream up these changes.
> If you click on the Yahoo! groups news button, there is a facility to
> comment. Mark you, they say that they aggregate replies so I may still
> contact them more directly as I did when they last played silly devils a
> couple of years ago.
> <sigh>
But the search actually works.... I've found an old question bugging me:
Why Snape trusted DD? - after the prank, that is
I've found it's easier to think it the other way around: He didn't, and he
outed Lupin. More in character for Snape. Only he did it in a Slytherin way,
he told Lucius, who told Voldie, and he received a recomendation not to mess
with werewolves and the invitation to join DEs, so that they actually
validated him. Snape quietly joined the DEs, became Lucius lapdog, and of
course, he'll always distrust Lupin.
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