Radio TBAY - A new Prophesy?
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Thu Jun 29 12:05:54 UTC 2006
"Evenin' all. Kaynes here, bringing you all that's new in the WW.
"Something a bit different for you to ponder over today with reports
that someone has been wandering round fore-telling the future. All
very interesting, as I hope you'll agree. And here to help us make
some sense of it is Fingus Crost, author of "Dissecting the Future:
Haruspicy for Fun and Profit" and "Getting it Wrong: Why Nostradamus
should have stuck to Tea-Leaves".
"So, Fingy, what can you tell us?"
"Hello Kaynes, hello listeners.
Must say it's all fascinating stuff. What seems to have happened is
that a Muggle by the name of Jay Crolling appeared on some picture
programme or other and started making predictions about future events
in the Wizarding World."
"Are we sure he -"
"Right. Are we sure she is a Muggle?"
"Must be. Wore those silly clothes and talked a lot about that money
stuff. No witch would do that."
"So this Muggle knows about us?
Hum. How long before the Obliviators pay her a visit, d'you think?"
"Normally they'd have zipped round pretty damn quick, but this is
such an interesting case that they've been held off - for the time
being, at any rate."
"Can Muggles be seers?"
"Dunno. It's possible, I suppose, but generally it turns out that
they're only pretending. And quite often they cheat."
"Cheat? How?"
"Oh, their predictions are couched in vague and probably deliberately
ambiguous phraseology. Could mean anything. And that's what we see
here. Supposedly it's all about the Potter kid and Whatsisname -
forecasting it'll all end in tears before bedtime, death and
destruction, usual stuff - as if you need to be a seer to figure that
out. Gringott's Gambles hasn't been accepting bets on that one for
"Sounds as if it's nothing special, then. So why is it all so
"Ah. Well. It's the Psycho-Ceramics Specialists at St Mungo's. They
want a chance to study her. There's a hell of an argument going on
within the department. See, what's really striking about all this is
that she claims to have invented the WW and all the people in it."
"She must be barmy."
"That's one possibility, yes. Quite a few of the Healers would go
along with that - delusional - "I think, therefore it is," sort of
thing. Though a couple of trouble-making sages stirred the pot by
positing that the entire WW and its history may well be just the
transient imaginings of an unbelievably powerful intellect. Soon
sorted them out. Aurors hit 'em with Arbocrania! spells. Now all
they've got to worry about is woodpeckers and Death Watch beetles.
Serve 'em right. Nobody likes a smart-arse."
"There're other possibilities, then?"
"The intriguing bit is her track record. She's been publishing these
books and they describe exactly what happens *as* it happens. Nobody
can figure out how she does it."
"Somebody must be passing her information."
"Could be, though it'd have to be a lot more than one person doing it
to get enough gen to fill six books.
"But the worrying thing, Kaynes, the really crunch bit, is that she
claims that it's herself that decides who lives and who doesn't - who
she's going to "kill off", as she puts it. And that the WW will enter
a sort of limbo at the conclusion of the next, she calls it "the
last", book. Doesn't she realise that we've got laws about that sort
of thing? Can't have any old Muggle wandering round knocking off
respectable witches and wizards, now can we? T'ain't allowed. *And*
I've got my holidays booked for next year - paid the deposit and
everything. Kids'd be dreadfully disappointed if we spent 'em in some
sort of suspended animation instead."
"So what are you doing about it?"
"Intensive investigations, for a start. Get the facts before jumping
to conclusions."
"And the possibilities?"
"We've come up with five so far:
She's nuts, in which case it's the rubber room and the natty weskit
that ties neatly up the back;
She's infiltrated and thoroughly compromised the privacy of every
person and every square inch of the magical world with an army of
eavesdroppers, spies and informants. That's what's happening in the
Muggle world, by the way, but we won't stand for it going on here;
She's some sort of super-psychic, mind-reading nosy-parker, in which
case the Obliviators go on overtime;
She really is a seer of such magnitude that they'll have to build an
entire new wing in the DoM to house all the globes;
"You don't think.....!"
"Wouldn't be me thinking it, old boy; it'd be her.
Still, it'd explain why young Potter acts like a plonker so much of
the time, wouldn't it?"
"And on that disturbing note, this is Kaynes, signing off for this
[cue theme]
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