[the_old_crowd] Whorekrukses Revisted
Constance Vigilance
constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Sun Mar 12 19:28:17 UTC 2006
Welcome back, Joywitch!
Following your map, I'm thinking that Voldy is the item in Book 7, leaving Book 1 to be my personal choice for a horsespits: Godric's Hollow itself. First of all, I think this is the name of a structure as well as the place where the structure resided. This is definitely an artifact of a founder (whose personal artifact hasn't been positively identified yet). It is (was) hidden in plain sight. In Voldy's mind, it is indestructable. Oops.
I think that Voldy intended to make the house at Godric's Hollow into an Orcnuts using Harry, with James' death as a backup. He laid whatever magical groundwork is necessary to do this so that the horcrux was half-created. But he never expected the ancient magic charm laid by Lily. We've seen that distruction of a horcrux is catestrophic - the diary bleeds. The ring is broken. We have never been told why a failed AK would destroy a house. Perhaps it was the catastrophic backflow from a broken horcrux? Destruction of the ring disfigures Dumbledore. Perhaps destruction of the house is what disfigured Harry with his scar?
joywitch_m_curmudgeon <joym999 at ...> wrote:
Ok, so I don't make it here very often. I am woefully behind the
times and you will probably laugh at my antiquated
theories. "Joywitch," you will say with an exasperated tone in your
voice, "that has been discussed to death. Please see messages 384,
1483, 1484, 1502 and 1894 -- for starters! -- for an already-
exhaustive and detailed discussion of this." Then, you will
probably mutter under you breath something about "I don't understand
why they don't just throw her out of here. Probably only because
she's been around FOREVER that they don't - she must have dirt on
all of us." (Bwahahaha)
But I have been thinking about something. I made a brief trip to
HP4GU (my old neighborhood which, sadly, I visit even more
infrequently than I visit here, and when I do, I hardly recognize
it, what with all the development -- Starbucks and condiminiums and
sidewalks so crowded you can hardly walk down them and all. But I
digress.) I noticed an interesting theory, twinkling at me from the
corner like a gleam in Dumbledore's eye. Some young whippersnapper
posited that the seven horcruxes are being introduced one per book.
I liked this theory. I read a little bit of the thread, and it
stuck back in the corner of my dusty old brain. I thought about
each book, and the 7 horsthingies. We know that Voldie himself is
one of them, and that the diary, the ring, the locket (not the one
that Dumbledore gave his life to recover but the one that RAB took,
presumably), probably Nagini (according to Dumbledore) and two other
things, one of which might be Hufflepuff's cup and both of which
probably once belonged to one of the founders. Maybe.
OK, so:
1. Voldy himself is introduced in PS.
2. The diary reveals itself in COS.
3. Hmmm. POA. Hmmm.
4. Nagini makes his (her? its?) first appearance in GOF
5. It seems likely that RAB is the younger Black brother. In OOP,
while our gang is cleaning out the house on Grimmauld place they
come across a locket which, presumably, they throw out. Kreacher
has been absconding with the garbage. Could it be?
6. The ring appears on Dumbledore's withered hand in HBP.
7. ???
Well, that sat around in my brain for a while, then suddenly a few
nights ago I woke up at two a.m., and I HAD to know what horehound
was introduced in POA. WHAT COULD IT BE? I turned the light on,
went to the other side of the room to the bookcase containing an
entire shelf of HP, got out one of our six copies of POA, and
starting reading. I got to the part where Percy makes his
appearance, and it struck me -- the Head Boy badge! It makes
perfect sense. Well, to me, at least. It was once Tom Riddle's, it
was probably made by one or more of the founders, and it's hidden in
plain sight. Well, what do the masses say?
OK, so what's the latest consensus on this one-per-book theory?
And, is it my imagination, or is creating one-per-book scenarios the
latest pasttime in the HPfanworld? (I did breeze thru Randy's 7
Deadly Book Sins post.)
--Joywitch M. Curmudgeon, who will go back to the porch and quietly
sit on her rocking chair very soon. She promises.
Albus dumbledore Jk rowling Goblet of fire
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