Re: What might Lilly have known that DD didnt?
Lyn J. Mangiameli
kumayama at
Thu Mar 23 19:05:12 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at, "carolynwhite2"
<carolynwhite2 at ...> wrote:
> But just to respond to one of the points above - what if Lily got
> knowledge from Slughorn? She was a favourite student, and he is
> only person who we have canon evidence of passing on the Hx secret
> students. He even says to Tom "It's natural to feel some curiosity
> about these things.. wizards of a certain calibre have always been
> drawn to that aspect of magic."
> If Lily, James & Sirius had heard about Hxs, and suddenly
> that was what was in store for their son, it would have been
> simplicity for Lily to have got it out of Sluggie.
Lyn now:
I find that to fit in quite nicely. If there is any merit to my
initial speculation, then Slughorn would be the perfect conduit for
the information.
To go on a bit with what I wrote earlier: JKR has repeatedly been
coy, yet insistent that the sacrifice Lily made (or at least
offered) was somehow greater and deeper than the sacrifice made by
James (which she considers more defensive combat, I believe she even
uses the word "animalistic"). It has never quite made sense to me
that Jame's desire to protect his family was less than Lily's desire
to protect Harry alone (you know, she could have chosen to fight
side by side with James in the protection of both her husband and
her son). Afterall, wasn't it conceivable that both had a choice to
step aside and leave Harry to LV. If there had been no resistance,
might LV have spared both their lives.
However, Rowling's unelaborated distinction begins to make more
sense in the context of Hx's. If the Potter's knew of LV's Hx plans,
then they may well have recognized James (a Griffy heir) would be
the desired death to create the tear. Thus Jame's battle with LV was
not merely to protect his wife and son, but was indeed essential for
his own life. As James was to be given no opportunity to live, there
was no sacrifice, there was only defense (of both him and his
But let's take this one step beyond. Jame's death was only a death,
as clean as a combat death can be. He's dead, but his "soul" is left
to do what soul's normally do after death in Rowling's world.
However, they same might not apply to Lily's offered sacrifice and
to Harry's intended fate. If using a human host for a Hx requires
overwriting of the host's soul, as I suspect it does, then the
host's death is not clean. There is no intact "soul" of the original
to pass on to the WW's afterlife. This would be a fate worse than
death alone.
If this be the case, then Lily's offer to take Harry's place
involves a much deeper, more self/soul destroying sacrifice, than
was ever available for James to make. When Lily is pleading for
mercy, she is requesting something much more than a sparing of
Harry's life, she is pleading for a sparing of his "soul."
LV had no interest in killing Lily as it held no utility for him,
except to remove a nuisance (which finally, he did). So the AK was
addressed to Lily only (and appears that way in the graveyard
scene). For Harry, LV's plan was to take over (possess) the
soul/self/body of Harry, and then overwrite Harry's soul with his
own, much more powerful, soul fragment. How elegant and ironic, this
would have been! Keep in mind the Prophecy says that neither can
live will the other survives. The default interpretation is that to
not survive means to be killed, to no longer have one's body. But a
deeper interpretation of "survive" is that the "soul"/self no longer
continues (the premise forshadowed, or perhaps echoed, by
BCjrs "soul" being sucked by the dementor--can anyone say that
BCjr "survived" or "lived" after that).
Had LV overwritten the "soul" of his prophesied adversary, would
that not have been a more complete and thorough "killing" of his
adversary than any simple AK that would yet leave behind a possible
ghost or after-life spirit. I also suspect that the challenge of
thoroughly overwriting an existing soul in order to substitute your
own soul fragment is likely the most difficult and dangerous of all
magic, perhaps magic that had never been done before (or at least
not since SS). What a crowning glory this would have been for LV. To
complete his final Hx, a number more than had ever been acheived
before, doing so in a means that had never been done before, and
best of all, doing it by the elimination of the prophesied means for
his overthrow(but not by physical death-indeed rather, by retaining
a trophy). For LV, it would be irresistable--a crushing achievement
and declaration of his unassailable power.
What we presently have in Harry is a failed overwrite. As the twin
columns of smoke revealed in DD office, likely LV did manage to
first possess, and then transfer his soul fragment to Harry, but the
attempt to overwrite Harry's soul was catastrophically rejected. The
result being Harry's scar, the destruction of LV's body, the
devastation of GH, and within Harry's body, two souls in essence
So Lily's sacrifice was significant in that she was offering her
soul as well as her mortal life. The above would also mean that her
charm was made in an unsure attempt to prevent the loss or overwrite
of Harry's soul. This is what LV really didn't anticipate. He was
likely prepared for all sorts of defenses against mortal death, but
didn't anticipate defenses in protection of the soul. Some might
suggest that the greatest strengthening of the soul is associated
with loveI'll leave it to others to pursue this aspect if they
wish. So not only might Lilly have gained her knowledge of Hx's from
Slughorn, but one wonders if she went to another for her knowledge
of how to create a charm for the protection of the soul. If the
latter be true, I'm betting that it wasn't DD, but someone else
(maybe even Ollivander).
As always, more likely the above is all rubbish than
JKR's "reality," but I would suggest it holds some explanatory power
and potential for amusement.
Have fun
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