entropymail at entropymail.yahoo.invalid
Tue May 16 14:01:48 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "davewitley" <dfrankiswork at ...>
> <snip>What's that? You want something substantial to discuss? OK,
do you
> think the popularity of DVC is for similar reasons to HP?
Funny how this ties in with everything that's going on here. My
twelve year old's fascination with HP has been waning (whether it is
due to the quality of the writing or the length of time between
books, I'm not sure), so I suggested that he try out the DaVinci
Code. He's mature enough to deal with the sex and level-headed
enough to work out the religious stuff on his own, so I thought he
should give it a shot.
Well, he loved it, and I have to believe it is because of the same
things that he so loved about HP, only moreso. The intrigue, the
characters who are not what they seem, and the wonderfully
infuriating code-breaking! What more could an HP fan ask for? Granted
the "magical" world is missing, but the mysteriously clandestine
world of Opus Dei is a great stand-in. He's now making his way
through DVC's predecessor, Angels and Demons.
And, to answer your question on another level: yes, DVC's popularity
has probably benefited greatly from the publicity generated by
Christian protestations of blasphemy, as has HP.
:: Entropy ::
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