The End Draws Near. Or Does it?
Eileen Rebstock
erebstock at
Tue May 16 16:00:31 UTC 2006
Do you think that HP Book VII is the end of the Potterverse?
The more I think about it, the more I wonder. I *do* believe JKR's
assertion that she isn't going to write more books focused on Harry, and
she isn't planning on writing prequels about James and Lily at Hogwarts.
I also know she wants to write other stuff, outside the Potterverse.
But abandoning the Potterverse entirely? After all the work she pours
into it? It seems to me that she's hooked on it. A lot of the stuff on
her website and in interviews isn't important to the books at all, but
she just enjoys playing about in that world. Now, I doubt she's planning
anything like this, but I wouldn't be surprised if after Book VII is
finished with, she revisits this magical world from some other angle
down the road. Perhaps stuff that interests her, but was too far off
Harry's path to write. There's plenty of such stuff we already know
about, that had to be cut for Harry's behalf.
I'm angling for Theodore Nott's story, of course, but I think the idea
in general holds true. "There are many stories between the lines."
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