A Rant on the DVC and Anti-Catholicism

Eileen Rebstock erebstock at lucky_kari.yahoo.invalid
Wed May 17 14:42:23 UTC 2006

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of rebecca
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:09 PM
> > To: the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: Re: [the_old_crowd] Re: Hoy!
> >
> > I find it totally compelling the specific vehement Catholic
> to
> > this movie, which is far more overt than the book's release and
> > denominations - they've even dedicated a website to counter
> > some
> > of which I read with a chuckle. Some evangelists here in the US are
> > treating
> > it differently;  they've arrange special Bible studies class devoted
> to
> > answering questions about the movie, and one evangelist was quoted
> the
> > Washington Post as saying this event is an greater-than-average
> > opportunity
> > to to bring more sheep into the flock.
> Well, not surprising, since the book doesn't *target* Evangelicals as
> the ones who have clamped down on the truth over the centuries and
> employ Albino monks as assassins.
> Eileen

Back from a work meeting and now fully encaffienated and awake,

Not to mention, since when was debunking not a form of education?

I see a WHOLE load of the usual anti-Catholic Anglo-American prejudice
in the way the general public is reacting to this. Catholics are stupid
for not understanding it's just fiction, even though the author, half
his fans, and much of the general public is joining in to say that it is
very much the truth. And how on *earth* could you possibly get the idea
from this reaction that there's an anti-Catholic prejudice to this? That
just *proves* how stupid and close-minded Catholics are! 

Secondly, what exactly is the propriety of even *fiction* portraying a
REAL religious organization as having assassins on its pay roll to hunt
down the defenders of the truth. If Dan Brown had written any real
Jewish or Muslim organization in this fashion, he'd be called a bigot by
everyone, and quite rightly. But for goodness sake, how on earth could
those Catholics have got the idea that they're an acceptable target for
bigotry? Once again, it proves how ignorant they are!

I highly recommend Philip Jenkin's "The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last
Acceptable Prejudice" Read it with an open mind, and you may *begin* to
understand the position Catholics are regularly put in within the
English speaking world. 


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