She's Evil

quigonginger quigonginger at
Mon Oct 2 16:05:11 UTC 2006

David wrote:
> Kelley more or less walked me through the motions to get to the 
> I think it's pretty clear that some of the questions either have no 
> right answer or the highest-scoring answer is the one that accords 
> most with JKR's values.  Neither case suggests intellectual 
> superiority on JKR's part.
> I do wonder if some of them are really a kind of concealed poll of 
> fandom opinion.
> I think that when, say, you have to pick one option that is false, 
> idea is that you pick the one that you know from canon *must* be 
> false, rather than one that is pretty likely to false, all things 
> considered, but you don't actually know.

I admit to using Potterkeys.  They spell out things pretty clearly.


The question I wondered most about was the one where we had to pick 
three things that we would find indespensible if we were in trouble.

Were we supposed to be thinking as Muggles?  That thought hit me 
after I finished taking it.  If not, then which three would depend on 
what kind of trouble we were in and whether our reaction would be an 
offensive strategy of a defensive one.  I wonder how she's going to 
grade that one.

Ginger, thanking Phyllis for the "heads up".

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