WOMBAT part deux -- the Sequel
annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Thu Oct 5 13:19:55 UTC 2006
> 11. Which health scare at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies
> and Injuries has recently caused widespread panic? (Source: St.
> Mungo's Admissions Department)
> -Suspected brain damage due to Imperius Curse
> -Suspected death due to Thestral sightings
> -Spate of suspected werewolf bits
> -Uncontrollable bleeding due to 'Nosebleed Nougat'
Now I'm glad I blamed the text on CoS forums. "Spate of suspected
werewolf bits" --- ewwwwwww.
not caring whether they're considered an aphrodisiac, or not
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