Jo on Voldemort
spotthedungbeetle at
Tue Sep 12 22:54:04 UTC 2006
> "Annemehr" wrote:
> > "I am sorry not to be there in person to join your celebration
of literary evil, but Lord Voldemort requires my constant presence
at the moment, as his Dark plans are unfolding in all their grisly
glory. I hope those of you who voted for him in the Big Bad Read
enjoy reading about him in book seven, where he finally gets the
legroom for which he has been aching during all those years in
> > exile.
> > <snip>
> Kathy W:
> Anne sent the above quote. I'm surprised it didn't generate at
least a few comments. A similar post at TOL didn't get a rise
either. You'd think lines like, "grisly glory... aching for
legroom...deluxe model..." would have gotten something.
> My first thought was "grisly"---**grisly?** Just what is she
> planning? I don't like the sounds of this. Are we going to find
out what sort of Dark Magic results in wounds similar to Moody's? Is
> Greyback going to get free reign?
> Or, does no one believe her?
I'm rather cheered. I was thinking the other day, it's got to be
darkest before dawn, right?
So, Scrimgeour's dead, Voldemort's in control of the Ministry, and
all supporters of DD are now in hiding, because they're being hunted
by the aurors?
Or, Scrimgeour's dead, A Death Eater is puppet Minister for Magic,
Voldemort's Headmaster of Hogwarts and has burned DD's portrait?
Or, Hogwarts doesn't reopen, the Death Eaters get in and make it
their base, (probably killing Hagrid) and fortify it against the
aurors and the Ministry.
(I like this one, because then you could have Voldemort not being
able to get into the Head's office because he's not the rightful
Head, McGonagall is - and thus he can't get at the sword or at DD's
painting - but Harry, with his intricate knowledge of the Castle and
the help of the invisibility cloak and the Marauder's map manages to
get in because the password is clearly raspberry jam. - Ha! And when
he gets in there he finds Snape talking to DD's portrait...)
Any takers?
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