Jo on Voldemort
spotthedungbeetle at
Thu Sep 14 10:13:11 UTC 2006
> > Dung:
> >
> > I'm rather cheered. I was thinking the other day, it's got to be
> > darkest before dawn, right?
> All very well, but not exactly grisly, are they?
> To be grisly it needs the yuck factor.
Fair enough, I was thinking more about the leg-room.
> Grisly would be if Voldy had to open up Harry's skull like an
> rose and rummage around in the porrage stuff for his missing
> And wiping his hands on his shirtfront afterwards.
> Grisly would be Neville kissing Trevor in the deluded belief that
it'll turn him
> into Miss Wonderful - and getting Madeline Bassett.
> Or Crookshanks getting hit by a truck and being stenciled down the
> by heavy-duty Dunlops.
> Or Luna being eaten by trolls.
> Won't happen of course. But I can dream.
Yeah, and on that score Potioncat's right, I don't believe her.
(JKR, rather than Potioncat, obviously.) AKs, Imperius and Crucio
are far too clean for that sort of thing, they just don't lend
themselves to grisliness. Though inferi might, I suppose;
particularly if they're made from people Harry once knew. I've
always had the impression that Voldy and the DEs enjoy seeing
fear much more than they enjoy seeing blood, anyhow.
But where has JKR really written any good grisle? There isn't
actually a lot of it in the books. A few examples spring to mind...
Troll bogies hardly count.
She could have got good and detailed with Quirrell touching Harry,
stench of burning flesh and whatnot, but no; and moreover, Harry
passes out before the good bits.
Likewise, the Basilisk was a great opportunity, missed.
We didn't even *see* Buckbeak's execution, nor what Lupin got up to
in the forest, and Dementors, unpleasant as they are, don't count as
grisly, neither.
Cedric's death? Nope.
Dementor attack at Little Whinging? Nope.
Sirius' death? Nope, - in fact the injuries sustained throughout the
MOM battle were far more comical than disturbing. Brains, planets,
veil, baby-headed DE... No grisle. Too *clean*.
Never found out anything except the Bones and Vance murders
were 'nasty'.
Fenrir Greyback and Bill's disfiguration had potential too, but we
didn't see the action, and the results were hardly dwelt on.
On the other hand:
1. Wormtail cradling his stump - tick
(In fact I'd put in quite a bit from the ending of GoF, from the
acromantula in the maze to the priori incantatem, where it all got
clean again.)
2. Hagrid's story about the giants' cultural idiosyncrasies - tick
3. Uhmm...
4. Oh yeah, the lake full of inferi marching slowly towards a
panicking Harry who fires sectumsempra at them, that was cool.
So she *can* do it, but I reckon she's better at frightening than
> And if the long-anticipated Weasley cull doesn't happen I shall be
> pissed.
> Kneasy
Well we've got a wedding coming up. They're usually good for a few
tears. My money's on Arthur copping it at the wedding (and fingers
crossed, Fleur will be a Weasley by the time she gets it too), then
the twins later in the book.
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