[the_old_crowd] How long is too long?

Rebecca Bowen dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 19 01:09:55 UTC 2006


>Six years?  Nine years?  Heck, you haven't even scratched the
>surface.  Look at the Lord of the Rings cycle - the first book,
><i>The Hobbit</i>, was published in 1937, but readers had to wait
>until 1955 before the trilogy was actually published....an 18-year

<snipped other points well taken>


And to add coincidentally to your comment about Tolkien, his son just 
finished one of his father's partial works, The Children of Hurin.  It's 
being published next spring, and Christopher Tolkien spent 30 years working 
on it:


I'm not one to put Rowling's works at the caliber of Tolkien's epics 
myself - while I like reading and discussing HP, I think I hit what I 
perceive to be my marketing threshold with the WOMBATS test.


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