[the_old_crowd] Re: Ivisibility Cloak (was: OMG!)
Magda Grantwich
mgrantwich at mgrantwich.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 26 19:46:41 UTC 2006
> Phyllis wrote in
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/the_old_crowd/message/4399>:
> << I've always been more intrigued by how Dumbledore was able to
> become invisible without a cloak (which has never been adequately
> answered, has it?) >>
If you're referring to the scene in PS/SS when Harry meets him in the
room that holds the Mirror of Erised, I've always assumed that it was
Dumbledore's gentle way of telling Harry that he was so focussed on
getting to the mirror that he walked right past a visible Dumbledore
standing against the wall. I don't think Dumbledore was literally
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