[the_old_crowd] Re: US Book Cover,the headstones

silmariel silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Mon Apr 2 13:42:51 UTC 2007

On 4/2/07, fhmaneely <fmaneely at ...> wrote:
> Yes indeed! I will go with drapes rather than a veil.  The book cover
> for SS has Harry flying by similar lookin arches.  I looked at the
> book covers at The Leaky site. This point was brought up as well. I
> have no idea if there is any relationship or not.
> Fran

I've been to the scholastic site. No idea on the figures in the back,
but guy in the front is snake eyed, that points to Voldemort. The
curious thing is that he and Harry are not paying atention to each
other, both are focused on something else.

And where is Harry's scar? I don't see it even using the lens.


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