OT The Book, was: Once more - with questions. part 2.
carolynwhite2 at carolynwhite2.yahoo.invalid
Thu Apr 19 21:04:35 UTC 2007
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith"
<arrowsmithbt at ...> wrote:
> The main reason I contacted him was to lead up to the suggestion
> that someone, sometime, ought to produce a book looking at the
> HP phenomenon from the *adult* fan perspective, including the
> boards, theorising, fan-fiction and so on, and since his book
> seemed to be clearly aimed at that end of the market, had he
> ever considered the idea?
> Hell of a cheek, but he has written a lot of reviews, analyses and
> lit. crit. pieces on SF and Whodunnit books and phenomena already.
Nearly worked, too. Might still come off..let's keep on at him.
> Caused him enough trouble as it was - a comment from Carolyn
> questioning the quality of his research - an observation he made
> re: Jo's plotting and info dumps becoming more sophisticated, and
> using the scene in the PM's office at the start of HBP to
> his contention (even though Jo has stated that she had considered
> using this scene as far back as book 2). That caused a groan - he
> knew this but didn't think fans would bother about it and wasn't
> aware that such a piece of trivia misuse could cause outrage.
> It was then that I introduced him to the existence of LOONs and
> the possibility of doubts being cast on his credibility.
> I assume that's been tidied up as well.
Well, tut tut. Have to uphold standards y'know. Not trivia. LOONS
forever etc.
Anyway, his carelessness defeated the point of his observation; I was
only trying to help..
> He's a good bloke, has a pleasant and informed writing style and
has an eye for plotting and clues. Seemed an ideal candidate for
authoring more on HP. Unfortunately he's committed to other stuff and
so escaped the net. For the time being, anyway. I plan a further
campaign at a later date.
Still think an edited digest of the very best theory might whet his
> > It was very cool to see your name in the book...although I always
> > thought, like many, that you would have broke down and wrote one
> > yourself. (I remember you being encouraged to do so some time
> Me write a book? Too much like hard work.
> Besides, can you imagine the quantity of unsolicited HP related
material from unknowns that's already cluttering up publishers
> How much of it will actually be read, do you think?
> Much better if someone who already has a foot in the door does it.
> Kneasy
Ah, but, nothing like the twisted Kneasy mind on top form. 'It is a
truth universally acknowledged, that a man of a certain age would be
vastly entertained to annoy a significant number of people by being
ever-so right..' etc
..always a publisher, despite other distractions
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