The Political HP
Jim Ferer
jferer at
Wed Aug 1 02:06:35 UTC 2007
Kneasy: "For example, I've seen it suggested that since education at
Hogwarts consists mostly of mastering what is essentially a deadly
weapon, then Jo is all in favour of an armed society. Laughed me socks
off at that one. Just can't imagine it. The plot requires the
capability of individuals to fight, agress, defend, even kill, but I'd
be stunned if this in any way reflected her RW view of how society
should be."
Agreed. This is an armed society where the arms can't be taken away;
the ability to do harm is inherent. I don't think it says anything
about JKR's beliefs about armed societies. You could argue it says
something about her attitudes about self-reliance, and I think she
does believe in self-reliance, but not because of this.
You brought up a lot of examples having to do with criminal law. Here
in the U.S., some of these issues have been settled one way or the
other for years; for instance, there aren't guaranteed jury trials for
many misdemeanors, but the right to avoid self-incrimination without
judicial notice is hard-wired into the system.
But it's best for this discussion not to get bogged down into details.
We can find common ground more easily that way. I think it's clear
that JKR distrusts large bureaucracies and big government; she
distrusts bureaucrats and apparatchiks; she tends to believe that
politicians and said bureaucrats are primarily about preserving their
jobs and positions and keeping the lid on, like Fudge or Umbridge, and
that the apparat will act to preserve itself. Personally, I think
these tendencies transcend politics and apply to any group, from
cliquish gardening clubs to transnational groups, Microsoft, or large
I also think it's really clear JKR has no trouble with rough justice
and comeuppance, privately delivered. Draco and his ilk get theirs
over and over all through the series. Justice is seldom issued out by
the institution. Harry and his friends take care of things themselves,
not through official channels.
This added up to a libertarian bent to me. I wont' try to argue that
JKR is a Libertarian, but she has at least some ideas in common.
Jim Ferer
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