[the_old_crowd] What do you believe?

Oryomai at talia_dawn_3.yahoo.invalid Oryomai at talia_dawn_3.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 2 13:06:04 UTC 2007


I am quite annoyed by the fact that Rowling is now giving 
contradictory answers to the question of what the characters' career 
paths are when they grow up. On Sunday's NBC Dateline interview, 
she said Ron and Harry both become Aurors while on Monday's online 
Bloomsbury chat, she said that Ron joins George in running the joke 

I completely agree with you!? She's been writing this series for how long and she can't keep her ending straight (yeah, yeah I know.."don't flame the author!" ...whatever...when she gets her ending straight, I'll listen to her).? And if Ron had more than one career (as other listees have suggested), why didn't she mention both of his careers both times?? Because she totally forgot.

Harry -- Harry played Quidditch for England for a while, before becoming co-captain with his good friend Viktor Krum.

Ron -- Ron learned to control his Inner Eye, and now works in the Department of Mysteries..

Hermione -- Hermione works in Magical Law to undo all the damage that Umbridge did.? She married Ron, but they divorced after they realized they only had a spark when fighting evil.

Severus -- SNAPE LIVES!? He did not die in the Shrieking Shack, but disappeared to America (because who would look for him there?).

George -- G continued to work at WWW, but eventually went mad because he kept talking to his dead twin.

Ginny -- Married Harry, played for the Harpies, but DID NOT QUIT once she had children.? (I'm a bit shocked at JKR for that? bit...)

Arthur Weasley -- Arthur became Minister of Magic, but did not stay there long.? He decided that he would rather be in the department of Muggle Artifacts, because that is what he truly loves.

McGonagall -- Minerva finally admits that she was married to Tom Riddle long ago and that they went their separate ways once he decided to be evil.? This is why his award for the school is still there.

Neville and Luna -- They get married, and the two of them travel around the world documenting strange plants and animals.? Their normal mode of transport is Thestrals!

I do not believe that the epilogue is canon...I know it's in the book, and I know I'm by myself on this, but it was clearly written long before her writing skills improved.? She shouldn't have put that one in.? It seems randomly thrown in and has nothing to do with the story.




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