The trouble with Harry
exslytherin at
Wed Aug 15 16:11:54 UTC 2007
> Do you mean T. Pratchett Esq., writer and the finest swordsman in
> Christendom?
> Yes and no. Some I haven't warmed to at all. Still, it's expecting
> a lot to like everything an author puts out.
> Witches - wonderful; wizards - not so hot ('cept the Librarian);
> City Watch - usually good fun.
> IMO one of his best books is one that isn't widely known. It's a
> collection of short stories, essays and reprinted magazine articles
> entitled 'Once More - With Footnotes' and is available from the
> NESFA Press only.
> Kneasy
Wow! I'm stunned that anything by Terry is out of print.
I checked (the US site) who are selling a couple of copies
through private sellers but the cheapest is over $200!!
You should have better luck in the UK. Americans haven't really
caught on to Terry yet, he's still a bit of a cult/lit hero here. But
then fantasy in any form is a tough sell in the US.
All except HP of course.
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