[the_old_crowd] Re: The trouble with Harry

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 15 22:03:56 UTC 2007

Wow, Mandy, where in the US are you living? Around here (Santa Crus, CA), fantasy of all sorts, including Pterry, just flies off the shelves.


Quantum me cogitis omnes!

Mandy wrote:
Wow! I'm stunned that anything by Terry is out of print. 

I checked Amazom.com (the US site) who are selling a couple of copies 
through private sellers but the cheapest is over $200!! 

You should have better luck in the UK. Americans haven't really 
caught on to Terry yet, he's still a bit of a cult/lit hero here. But 
then fantasy in any form is a tough sell in the US. 

All except HP of course.



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