[the_old_crowd] Re: 24 hours
susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 31 17:29:56 UTC 2007
> SSSusan:
> I'd missed this as well, Carolyn, and I have to say that it bugs me, too. Having been one
of those people who devoted a fair bit of time to contemplation of the missing 24 hours
and, well, truthfully, got a lot of glee from developing a theory about it (for once, since I'm
not typically a creative theorizer), it's quite sad to hear this admission.
> I guess I hope that, rather than just making up something (potentially lame or lacking in
detail) which is totally different from what I'd envisioned, she just admits the error. That
way, I can more easily hang on to my own idea.
> SSSusan,
> wishing everyone a Happy New Year and wondering how Kneasy's duck came out
>>> Duck? What duck?
Madam, twas a goose.
Not a mere run-of-the-mill goose either, but a svelte super-star of
a bird, raised on sun-lit rolling pastures, in a veritable goose nirvana of
an existence, and a mere 3 miles from my front door:
Visible from the main road too, so able to monitor their well-being from
early summer onwards, drooling slightly in anticipation. <<<
HA! That is what I get for posting before properly awake. Goose, goose, of course it was a goose.
And it was delectable, I take? Your chosen-from-the-road-and-watched-for-months friend? I have to say, I feel for the goose just a bit, what with being "dry-plucked and waxed" and all. Ouch!
>>> As for the JKR stuff: taken her time about it, hasn't she? Ten years since
that 24 hour discrepancy(sic) appeared in the first book.
Frankly, like you I think I'll stick with my illusions. It's more fun.
As retrospective corrections/additions get dumped on the readership (how
many more to come?), the less fascinating the books become IMO.
Others may feel differently, and good luck to them, but impressive it ain't
from this reader's viewpoint. <<<
I don't mind so much the additions, as long as they are from background material she had *thought out well previously* and simply found not to be necessary or to fit well into the final drafts (a character's back story, say). But the corrections? Eh, I'm not so sure. And this notion of "Maybe I'll dream something up if I discover I've made a mistake" just isn't good at all imo.
I still am enamored of the series, mind you. Got a lot of things I'd hoped for and was less distressed by some aspects of DH than many (especially adult) fans were. But the after-the-fact stuff is proving much less satisfactory than I'd expected it would be. Maybe it's because she seems almost too quick -- or simply flip -- with the revelations, when many of us had really rather expected some seriously-thought-through and detailed bits of fleshing out or expansion.
SSSusan, with (alas) neither duck nor goose on today's menu, but the more proletariat fare of beef stew (which nonetheless smells divine while simmering)
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