Well worth a read

davewitley dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jan 2 10:40:27 UTC 2007

Carolyn wrote:

> 5) And just going back to the wretched hoxpotches, renewed 
> that the suggested combination still includes TWO items of 
> a) diary
> b) Salazar's ring
> c) Helga's cup
> d) Slytherin's locket
> e) Ravenclaw's WHAT?
> f) Nagini, Harry or take your pick..

I share your pain, but the way I have rationalised this is that while 
the ring is an heirloom of a family descended from Salazar Slytherin, 
it is Voldemort's family we're talking about.  My recollection is 
hazy, but I don't believe the ring is ever traced to SS himself (see, 
for example, http://www.hp-
lexicon.org/magic/devices/horcruxes.html ).  So while it's Slytherin 
in the sense of belonging to a (presumed) Slytherin family, it isn't 
associated personally with a Founder.

I'd noticed the underground thing myself.  I think it's more accurate 
that the climax (including the tower in HBP) takes place where there 
is only one way in and out.  It's questionable, however, when the 
climax of POA takes place - in the Shack or by the lake?


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