If Harry is a Horcrux
constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jan 3 05:21:38 UTC 2007
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "davewitley"
<dfrankiswork at ...> wrote:
> Fran wrote:
> >
> > Maybe this has been brought up before but if Harry is a horcrux,
> > would Voldie want to kill him?
> I'm not greatly enamoured of this theory, but my understanding is
> at GH Voldemort was trying to make a Horcrux out of a thing using
> Harry's death, and, in a sort of radioactive spider explosion kind
> way, Harry ended up as the Horcrux instead.
I've always believed that the planned target for the horcrux was the
house at GH itself. It is an artifact of a founder. It would be
hidden in plain sight. It is indestructable (oops). I believe that
the failure to complete the horcrux enchantment because of the curse
backfiring is what caused the house to collapse.
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