That title

fhmaneely fmaneely at
Thu Jan 25 01:58:23 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at, silmariel <silmariel at ...> wrote:
> On 1/21/07, mooseming <josturgess at ...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all, I`ve been off line for a couple of months and therefore
> > missed the festive fun filled announcement.
> >
> > The Deathly Hallows huh? Isn't that an oxymoron?
> >
> > Firstly I was surprised at the damp squibery of it all but then
> > looking back at the futility of the HBP speculation perhaps not.
> >
> > So a person, place or thing that is deathlike
> >
> > Another name for HRX, I hope not.
> > Harry's victim army, maybe, given there is a Scotish tradition 
> > those born at Halloween have commanding powers over spirits and
> > Harry was reborn (in a way) on Halloween this might have some 
> > Godric's Hollow or beyond the vale, well it would be about time.
> That's an option. The thing is, some of the ideas proposed explain 
> words, but do not have the weight to be a tittle, they seem too... 
> chapter tittles, but not integral to the whole book. That's why 
only a trip
> behind the veil doesn't ring true as a tittle, nor only a visit to 
> I was toying with inferi, victims of avada kedavra, victims of 
> kiss. I don't know what happens to the souls of those not killed in 
> ordinary fashion, but they are enough of them to be a little army.
> It can't be a another name for Horcruxes, imo, but certainly, it 
looks like
> it, and that would be integral to the plot. Following that 
reasoning, is
> something closely tied to Hxs but not equals them. I'd bet for 
something we
> are not yet told, something different, something we've already seen 
but not
> recogniced, very in the style of JK.
> I have the little theory that Deathly Hallows is the current state 
of some
> souls, what is created at the same time of making a Hx, a 
subproduct, a kind
> of mirror. Quasy dead but not exactly characters.
> So, as an example, Mirtle, Binns and Lily (if Harry counts as a Hx) 
are DHs.
> I like Mirtle because it ties nicely the surprising quantity of 
screen time
> that particular ghost has had, and how useful it has been in books 
> with her being first Voldemort's victim.
> For Binns, well, I'm still betting in the teacher's room fireplace
> dissapearing within book 2. Losing a fireplace between books I'd 
consider it
> a flint or a stupid detail not to be taken into account, within the 
> book, a quite small one, gets marked as 'unresolved issue'.
> Good to see you back,
> Silmariel
I was thinking that graveyards were hallowed ground, then remembered 
graveyards are consecrated (?spelling) ground.  So I looked up the 
meaning of the word hallow and found the following:

Etymology: Middle English halowen, from Old English hAlgian, from 
hAlig holy -- more at HOLY
1 : to make holy or set apart for holy use
2 : to respect greatly : VENERATE
synonym see DEVOTE 

So, deadly hallows are deadly holy which borders on being an 
oxymoron,or we could go with deadly devoted or deadly but greatly 
respected. So who are these entities that are who are deadly and also 
holy, respected and devoted. I'm at a loss as usual!
On a side note, should we start making predictions since the book may 
be coming out this summer?  Can't wait.

Best to all,
a moron with no ox

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