Thank God someone else is done with the book (SPOILERS!)

Oryomai at Oryomai at
Sun Jul 22 19:20:48 UTC 2007

I finished the book at 515am on Saturday, and none of my friends are done yet (which made for an awkward night last night!).

Severus -- I wish Severus didn't have to die...I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be over his death, but ya know.
Fred -- I knew one of the twins was going to have to die, but it was still shocking and sad.
Mad Eye -- I wish we could've seen his death.? I feel like it would've? been a brilliantly written piece.? He probably went down fighting as hard as he could, and I would've lived to have seen it.
Dobby -- I sobbed.? I had to stop reading for a while in order to get over it.
Remus -- Did JKR just want to kill off the whole generation?? No one from that time survived (Lucius was a bit older than them).
Tonks -- We didn't see either of them die, and while I understand it was a war, I wish we could've.
Colin Creevey -- I really wanted to see him fighting.? He was underage and snuck back in to help the fight.? I think Colin deserves a little bit more attention.

I hatehatehatehatehatehatehate LOLLIPOPS.? I'm sorry to those of you who love it, but I think it's lame.

I'm glad Percy came back.
What was going on with Dudley?? He seemed completely out of character.? And I wish we could've seen a little more about them.
WTF was that epilogue?? I was hoping to hear about what happened to the characters who lived.? Instead, we get a confusing chapter with too many different names and it has nothing to do with the book.? Thanks JKR, but no thanks -- I don't want to hear about you next series yet.

Overall Thoughts
I was disappointed with it.? I felt that she took the easiest way out of every situation.? She couldn't think of anything better than LOLLIPOPS for the reason Severus turned to the good side?? Horcrux!Harry?? Lame.? The Deathy Hallows?? If that isn't a last ditch effort to add something to the plot (and a reason to kill Severus randomly), I don't know what is.
Anyone know who the character who did magic late in life is?? I didn't happen to catch anyone doing that, and now I'm confused.
What about the veil?? I really thought that it would show up especially after the Resurrection Stone was discussed (she was behind a veil).
I was talking to a friend who occasionally reads the books (he's read one to three I believe), and he said something today that made me think.? He is of the opinion that while JKR writes fantastic and intriguing characters, her plot is lacking.? And I think I agree with him now.

So this is what it's like on the other side...

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