Being naughty (spoilers)

Tim Regan dumbledad at
Mon Jul 23 14:00:59 UTC 2007

Hi All,

Another spoiler-space poem (this time by Nina Cassian) ...
 | Remote Control
 | Why should you control something remote?
 | Let distance dominate
 | the space between shore and boat,
 | between love and hate.
 | Too much control leads to tyranny.
 | Too much closeness leads to sex.
 | To be remote is sometimes to be complex.
 | Don't simplify lampshades from Tiffany.

--- Ewe2 added to Kneasy's list-that-may-cause-anguish-when-main-

>>> Too many posters will wonder what the crying child is in 
Harry's "purgatory", yet have no trouble with a hallucinatory DD 
explaining things. <<<

They will? Surely that's Voldemort's soul, rendered helpless by too 
many remorse free horcruxes? Is that not obvious? Oh dear. I too have 
trouble with the hallucinatory Dumbledore explaining things - do you 
think the mnessage was to not worry about weather it was in Harry's 
mind or in the after-life? Oh dear, another Chapter to re-read.



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