Conflicts, cheats and credibility
annemehr at
Tue Jul 24 13:09:27 UTC 2007
Forgot the spoiler space, though
in my first attempt at sending this,
no spoiler showed up in the summary,
thank goodness
*irons hands and awaits lifting of the blackout*
> > Dung:
> >
> > But this is appalling!!! If that's the truth, then she didn't
have it
> > planned out at all, she was making it up as she went along,
> > she said (right after HBP was published) that Grindy *died* in
> >
> <snip further points along this line>
> For the past 24 hours or so, I've had the sneaking feeling that she
> change significant things from the original plan for this book.
> Perhaps she can claim she stuck to her plan, because Harry was
> going to allow LV to AK him, but...
> What I really need is a reread, with a notebook to hand. Not sure
> that will happen, though. And, though I do care about what
happened, I
> care so much more about whether it makes sense.
> Anne
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