Random thoughts

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jul 25 13:41:56 UTC 2007


So Harry!Hx became so by default, it wasn't intended at all. A stray
bit of Voldy's soul makes a bee-line for the nearest warm body. 
So why didn't it bugger off to Kings Cross? Or alternatively when 
Harry got zapped in the clearing, why didn't it home in on its original
nesting place i.e. Voldy? On the whole, I  think I prefer PT as more 
logically coherent -  but I would,  wouldn't I?

Mind you, Harry may have been a Voldy Hx, but effectively Voldy 
was in return a Hx for Harry, and without all that pissing about with
antique silverware and souls. Hm. 
Are we then assume that it isn't the Hx that's evil per se, it's  the 
actual production and motivation for producing them that matters?

Hang on a minute - Voldy's intention was to split his soul into seven.
We have Diary, Locket, Ring, Diadem, Cup, Nagini, Harry and Voldy 
himself. That makes eight. Um. Since all the Hxs except Harry were 
formed during Voldy's first  rampage, and since Harry!Hx was an 
accident and Voldy never intended to make more than the seven 
already in existence, why did his soul split again? What if that 
fragment had been the entire soul complement  of a vanquished 
Voldy? (Then we could have had seven books of a sort of 
Damien!Harry on a quest to fit all the bits together again, 
preparatory to ruling the world. Wouldn't that have been fun?) 
But the text never counts up to eight IIRC. Does that mean that 
we had a totally soulless Voldy after GH? Must do. I know Jo's 
maths are pretty duff, but surely even she can count up to seven... 
or eight.

Am I imagining things, or do the revelations about DD make him
a fit and proper candidate for Slytherin House? Sneaky, cunning, 
tempted by power (even when he was old enough to know better),
dabbling with Dark Magic and the supremacy of wizarding folk? 
Probably. Just been reading the final chapters again and he really 
would have made a splendid House Master for Slytherin.

To balance this out, DD tells Sevvy that he (Sevvy) is the bravest 
man he's ever met, and that he thinks the sorting should be later 
in the students career. The implication being that Sevvy could/
should/might be a Gryff. But Sevvy doesn't look too happy at  
this hint. I  wonder why? Probably thinks the House colours would
clash with his complexion.

If the Invisibility Cloak is the real deal "giving constant and 
impenetrable concealment, no matter what spells are cast at it" how
come it doesn't fool Moody or DD?

Dobby copped it. Yes!! A result!
Creevey copped it. Yes!! Another result!
Luna didn't. Buggerit.
No Weasley cull. Damn.

A suspicion, no more - but I wonder about Snapey (doesn't everyone?)
I seem to recall a time when Jo was stunned at his popularity and 
recoiled at the suggestion that he would be redeemed. Then later 
there was a hint that he might be - fan power at work? 
Maybe, just maybe.

More later - perhaps.


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