Snape's Death - Tragic?

Magda Grantwich mgrantwich at
Wed Jul 25 18:27:35 UTC 2007

--- Amanda <exslytherin at ...> wrote:

> Yes it's terribly cruel and lonely way to die, but that was how
> Snape lived; a cruel and lonely life. 
> I believe the saying `live by the sword; die by the sword' applies 
> well.
> I would have loved him to have a big heroic moment too, but his
> death was more tragic this way. As tragic as his life really.

No way!  Snape's death was not tragic - he was triumphant!

Think of it.  He's summoned to Voldemort's side and gets fatally
snaked.  He's lying there alone in the Shrieking Shack.  No one knows
where he is.  The great effort to defeat Voldemort is going down in
flames.  Imagine the turmoil as he tries to staunch the rip in his

Then - Potter arrives!  

In a matter of only a second or two, Snape sees how he can let Potter
know what has to be done - and explain himself too.

And he does it.  Harry has all the pieces of the puzzle to put it
together himself.  There's nothing more Snape can do.

Talk about pulling victory from the jaws of defeat!  That was a great


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