Re: What’s the point of the Deathly Hallows? Not the book, but the Hallows?

mooseming josturgess at
Thu Jul 26 10:48:58 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Amanda" <exslytherin at ...> 

> Yes, I thought that too but if DD meant to destroy the Elder wand 
> dieing and rendering the Elder Wand powerless I'm back to my 
> question what is the point of the Quest for the Deathly Hallows?  
> Why give the clues to the trio? Why bother to have the trio track 
> down the three pieces if the very reason for their existence: 
> immortality is negated by the 'killing' the Elder Wand?
> This is what puzzles me. I see no logical reason for the sub plot 
> the Quest for the DH.
> Mandy

Yup, I think you're right. DD put together his little will gifts 
*before* he knew he had failed to defuse the wand. So he was sending 
them on a hunt for two items they already had and one that should 
have been *worthless*. As far as DD knew Voldy had no idea about the 
DH, and so no idea that Voldy would go chasing the wand, which 
should have been out of service anyway!!!

The wand btw has a nasty habit of skipping out on its owner, 
probably because its master is Death. How happy would it be to be 
decommissioned by the peaceful passing of its current owner?


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