Snape a hero?
exslytherin at
Thu Jul 26 18:24:00 UTC 2007
> Shame, really. I had hoped that Jo would have come up
> with a more gutsy motivation for him. 16 years mooning
> over some dead slapper? Nope, that's not how I've been
> reading Sevvy. A definitive un-romantic IMO.
> Yes, he was probably being brave, but I doubt that ever
> crossed his mind. But pride rules. Once he'd given his
> word he'd do his damndest to play his part to the hilt
> in an attempt to stab in the back those whose actions
> had reduced him to such a pitiful pass, if only to show
> that he was cleverer than they.
> And he pretty well succeeded.
> But he was still a miserable old git - and probably proud
> of that too.
> Kneasy
Dead slapper? Dead Slapper! Kneasy are you British and know the
definition of that word?
If so, you should know better. Lily was hardly a 'slapper'. Many
things perhaps but not a slapper. Not in my imagination anyway. Now
Lavender Brown might have slapper potential.
If you don't know a Slapper is a female who is very loose. Worse than
a tart or even slag.
Could translate into tramp but more likely to be Ho although there is
no true American equivalent that I know off.
The accurate definition is rather adult and I don't know I could get
away with posting on the thread.
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