Mixed emotions

snow15145 kking0731 at snow15145.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 29 05:31:52 UTC 2007

I (Snow) maintain that I solemnly swear that I am up to no good! 

I read the book slowly wanting to drink in every possible tidbit that 
I had been long awaiting, which took me approximately twenty hours. 
It has taken me this long to absorb and write honestly how I felt 
about the book ... or should I say the book itself in comparison to 
my reaction to the conclusion of the series, which is completely 

I can almost feel what Harry must have gone through having had such a 
stronghold of negativity against his very goodness by having a bit of 
Voldy luggage attached to his very being when I read the last book in 
comparison to the series as a whole. 

The book itself was quite gripping for me, with every page there 
seemed to be an answer to the puzzle or a piece that had not quite 
been fitted in. And as I neared the end of this gripping tale I sunk 
into the Harry lives (when he heard through the pencieve that he must 
sacrifice himself) doldrums that I was right all along... 

It's not that I didn't want Harry to live; it was that I had 
concluded the ending (the meat of the story that she said couldn't be 
guessed) all along and I was awaiting the twist at the end that 
didn't come (for me). And then I turned the final page to the Epilog 
from hell (for me) to face James, Lily and Albus (new characters that 
I had to envision with old faces to the names coming back to haunt my 
depictions); what a nightmare. 

I feel like I have done enough obscene bashing of the very person 
that enticed me to read. I absolutely hate to read unless it is a 
condensed version of the topic at hand. (People tend to drown on to 
make their point when I have already figured it out before they open 
their mouth. `A bit of pompous Percy here but it is true') If a 
person can make me read further than "I was born", its president. 

No author has ever had that effect on me (guess I've picked up the 
wrong books) other than poets. I cannot give JKR enough credit for 
not only making me read period but faster than most of the persons 
nearest to me. JKR also opened a world (literally `the world') of 
people that I would have never met if it had not been for the magic 
of Potter. I bless her for that. 

No matter the ending to a fabulous book and series, no matter the 
things left unresolved, this woman can write! She can take you 
anywhere and you are right there beside her... 

In the end I would have to say She gave me a ride I will never 
forget...good...bad...or indifferent!


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