[the_old_crowd] More random jottings - on a theme
Shaun Hately
drednort at drednort.geo.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 29 11:46:51 UTC 2007
From: "Jim Ferer" <jferer at ...>
> I agree with you that kids think of a whole lot else besides sex. The
> modest amount of sex in DH only points out how oversexed most of what
> we read in books and see on screens is. It is cultural.
I have to say I agree.
I finally started my first proper teaching job two weeks ago, and it's
keeping me very busy so I haven't been as free to discuss HP as I would
like, but this is an issue that does move me to comment. I find it rather
fascinating the focus that so many readers of these books seem to put on
issues of romance and sex - as if they feel there is some mandate that the
Harry Potter books should contain sex and/or romance - as if they feel that
this is a *required* part of a book, or at least, a required part of *these*
I've no real problem with the romance we see in the books - I don't think
that it is out of place. I also wouldn't object if the books had had more
sex in them. Teens/adolescents can have romances. Some of them do have sex.
It wasn't, by any means, unrealistic for JKR to have romances in these
books, and it wouldn't, by any means, have been unrealistic for her to have
sex in the books.
*But* I do think it would have been just as realistic if there hadn't been
the same level of romance, and I do think it's perfectly realistic that
there isn't a major sexual focus.
It's not abnormal for adolescents to be romantically engaged. It's not
abnormal for adolescents to be sexually active.
But it's also not abnormal for adolescents to not be involved in romance,
and it's not abnormal for them not to be sexually active. Plenty of teens
don't have these things as a significant part of their lives.
I went to a boarding school in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I had plenty
of opportunities for romantic entanglements, and some degree of opportunity
for sexual relationships. So did all of my peers. But only a minority of us
actually dated anybody and only a minority ever engaged in any sexual
activity (well - at least any sexual activity involving two people). Those
who did - well, fair enough, there was nothing particularly strange or
unusual about them... but I don't think any of the rest of us thought there
was anything strange about the fact that we didn't. It wasn't that we
weren't interested in the concepts, or we didn't understand them... it was
just that our priorities were - and were expected to be - our schoolwork.
Other things could wait - our schoolwork couldn't.
I look at the world of Hogwarts and that's pretty much what I see... the
students are at school to learn. Their schoolwork - their OWLs and then
their NEWTs - are their priorities. Some of them find some time for romance.
There are sometimes organised activities - dances, etc - and some of them
take those opportunities. I doubt every single sixth and seventh year at
Hogwarts is a virgin - but I don't think it's unrealistic to suppose that
the significant majority of them are. Because among my peers at school, that
was the case - not all, but most.
And so I wonder at the idea that there's something unrealistic about the way
JKR depicts teens... I don't think it's the only realistic way to depict
them, but I do think it is *one* realistic way.
The Wizarding World also does seem to me to be somewhat old fashioned and
traditional in a number of ways - and this may be one of those ways. Of
course, sexual activity between teens is hardly unknown in any period of
society - but it was less prevalent at many periods than it is now. We need
to think about that, I think, in looking at this issue.
Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ) | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200
"You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one
thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the
facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be
uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that
need altering." The Doctor - Doctor Who: The Face of Evil
Where am I: Frankston, Victoria, Australia
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