[SPAM] More random jottings - on Fford sooooo off topic
exslytherin at exslytherin.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 29 15:01:33 UTC 2007
> Ah, this will be the same Kneasy that's just given me a heads-up
> the new Jasper Fforde is out**, a sustained and subtle amusement on
> the joys and pitfalls of literary analysis, to quote at random:
> 'Jurisfiction is the name given to the policing agency within
> Working with the intelligence-gathering capabilities of Text Grand
> Central, the Prose Resource Operatives at Jurisfiction work
> tirelessly to maintain the continuity of the narrative within the
> pages of all the books ever written, a sometimes thankless task.
> Jurisfiction agents live mostly on their wits as they attempt to
> reconcile the author's original wishes and the reader's
> with a strict and largely pointless set of bureaucratic guidelines
> laid down by the Council of Genres.'
> Carolyn,
> Who has often thought that participating in HP discussion groups is
> like stepping straight through one of Fforde's Prose Portals, and
> takes black amusement in the multiple SPAMs that are proliferating
> in the heading here..
Oh lawkes, this is utterly off topic but I'm a third of the way
through First Amoung Sequels. Love it!!
And I agree with you the forums are kind of like stepping in to the
fiction world, except the characters are absent. What a thrill that
would be to have the Trio here to defend themselves!
I noticed Fford's comment on wear and tear fanfic can cause to a
book. Genius.
Alright I'm done highjacking the thread...apologies. Lets get back
to HP.
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