Misquotes on a theme

Amanda exslytherin at exslytherin.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 29 21:54:41 UTC 2007

>  Jim Ferer didn't write:   "I find it rather  fascinating the focus
> that so many readers of these books seem to  put on issues of 
> and sex - as if they feel there is some  mandate that the Harry 
> books should contain sex and/or  romance - as if they feel that this
> is a *required* part of a  book, or at least, a required part of
> *these* books."
> Can we figure out who wrote this? I did not.
> Jim Ferer

Oh I apologize Jim. I believe it was me that assigned that quote to 
you.  I seem to be sticking my foot in my mouth over and over again 
to day. 

Sometimes I find it hard to tell who wrote what when the threat 
automatically places someone's name at the top. I mistakenly assumed 
the person named at the top was the poster, when in fact they are the 
person being quoted from a previous post.  *doh*

The person who wrote the quote you cite signs themselves:

Yours Without Wax, Dreadnought
Shaun Hately | www.alphalink.com.au/~drednort/thelab.html
(ISTJ) | drednort at ... | ICQ: 6898200

Here's the link to the post 


Amanda (exslytherin)

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