The Political HP
dfrankiswork at
Tue Jul 31 15:32:24 UTC 2007
Jim Ferer wrote:
> JKR doesn't seem to trust large, intrusive government, so I think
> is taking something of a libertarian tack here.
I don't see anything uniquely libertarian in her implied criticisms.
Any democrat across the political spectrum would agree that there are
glaring flaws in the governance, judicial processes, and so on, of
the wizarding world.
Within the world of Harry Potter, she just doesn't seem interested in
the issues that particularly animate libertarians. On the one hand,
she doesn't have Florean Fortescue whine about taxation, or present
Percy's regulations as strangling the wizarding economy. On the
other, she doesn't try to skewer libertarian beliefs through satire
(imagine Vernon Dursley as a libertarian!), either.
I think it's hard to know what she does think, or what to draw
politically from the books. The way Dumbledore governs Hogwarts
suggests that, with a bad headmaster, it could be a pretty awful
place, but JKR doesn't seem concerned about it.
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