theme park / Sevvy / Sally / Petunia

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at
Sun Jun 10 03:21:26 UTC 2007

Heidi wrote in <>:

<< Re: [the_old_crowd] Fancy a stroll down Diagon Alley?

Of course, I'm lucky to live only a few hours away, but I certainly
plan to be there, kids in tow, on Day 1 (if not before). >>

I admire the faith of you, the investors of the theme park, and for
that matter all the people proposing to host HP conventions in 2008
and beyond -- I feel no certainty that something in HP&DH won't make
me (and a lot of other people) want never to think of Harry and the
Potterverse again -- want to blot it out of mind as desperately as I,
in my childhood, wanted to blot out all memory of the most
embarrassing incident of my childhood, in which ... 

... I mistook a stranger for my mother! At some local amusement pier,
I got off a ride and looked around and found a familiar-looking
hemline (I was knee-high and hems were knee-length), to which I ran
up, saying: "Can I have an ice cream? I want a chocolate one, or maybe
striped would be better" and she said something like "Excuse me, what
are you talking about?" in THE WRONG VOICE!

Kneasy wrote in

<< it turns out Sevvy is a no-good, murdering scrote (snip) How many
would still be in Sevvy's cheering section? Or rather, given the cries
of dis-approbation that would swamp the sites, how many would admit it? >>

Presumably quite a few, considering how many female fans have bragged
of their crush on Lucius Malfoy -- altho' I haven't checked whether
some of them got over him when he went to prison, no longer the model
of wealth and power -- nor have I checked whether anyone has lost her
crush on Draco since he proved unable to murder DD.

Kneasy wrote in

<< just who carved the serpent on the tap in Myrtle's bathroom and
why? Sally can't have done >>

Why can't he have?

Constance Vigilance wrote in

<< I proposed that Petunia and Snape have some history. If you read
their descriptions, they resemble each other physically. (snip) To
this day, the Petunia/Severus ship is the only ship I sail. >>

A physical resemblance suggests they're related (cousins, or
half-siblings) more than that they're lovers.

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