Straws in the wind?

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Fri Jun 15 17:41:26 UTC 2007

> Not strictly this thread, but a thought impinged while compiling
> this response.
> Are the DEs Voldy's invention?
> Jo once revealed that originally they were The Knights of Walpurgis
> then she changed the name.
> That seems a very Germanic name to me - too German? Hinting at a
> connection to Grindelwald, perhaps?
> A nice continuity link that could tie in with an immortal Sally!
Spirit, if so.

That's another quote that's always irritated me because you can't
tell whether she means that *she* re-named them, or whether Voldy
did. Grumble grumble.

She renamed them.
It was in the Paxman interview before OoP, I think.

And then there was her slip(?)/mix-up(?)mind on other things moment(?)
when Tom was referred to as the ancestor of Sally - an minor error, but
if you've got used to thinking of them as conflated into one being, an 
easy one to make.

Plus ole Sal currently starring as Wizzo of the Month, turning up in some
interesting questions the new Wombats; lots of Sal all over the place, it

He's gonna be key in the final book, I think - or I'll be sadly disappointed.


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