FILK: We Will Know All The Story Wrote By Jo

severelysigune severelysigune at
Fri Mar 9 14:50:59 UTC 2007

 SSSusan wrote:
<<Amazing to think that we're 133 days away from getting all the 
answers we're going to get.  
Anybody care to share what they're planning to do re: the release?  
Going to a bookstore happening?  Hosting a party?  Waiting for the 
book at home?  In no particular rush?>>

I'm rather active in the Potter fandom on LiveJournal these days; when
DH is released, I will have to abstain from LJ until I've read it! :D
So I will be reading it as soon as I can.

Funny enough, an American friend and I had been pondering going to
Sectus in London. We'd booked tickets in January, thinking we might
still cancel if we didn't feel like going after all. Of course, now
that it turns out the final book will be released during Sectus, our
enthusiasm has increased considerably :). The Staff is providing us
with books from midnight on, so I'll have my copy there and read it
among other fans.

<<I really, really dislike spoilers.  Last time I had been exposed to 
the supposed facts that Snape was the HBP, DD would die, and Bill 
would perhaps be a werewolf, all of which obviously played out just 
that way.  I was NOT pleased.>>

I wouldn't be either. If I'm spoilt about the ending, or about Snape's
fate, all my interest in the book would be gone. I'm so glad I didn't
hear anything about HBP on beforehand; I don't want that to be
different this time. I'm going to lock myself up until I've finished
the book!

<<Now... how to avoid all the spoilers sure to appear in the media & 
online ahead of time?  Bah.>>

Hm. Yes.

I hope people online observe the proper spoiling policies... As for
the media, I don't know. Hopefully JKR and her publishers manage to
keep everything secret. For the rest, we'll just have to stopper our
ears and close our eyes until we're done reading ;P.

Ack. I wish the ending could be postponed. I'm just not ready yet! :D

I also have to revise my essay about the Slytherin Question and get it
posted before JKR resolves everything for me ;).

Yours severely,

(long-time lurker)

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